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Wood Summer Session 4

June 30-July 12, 2024 (11 STUDIO DAYS)
Osamu Sassa
Reimagining the Everyday

Taking a fresh look at objects from our everyday experience is a great way to explore new designs in wood. This workshop will challenge students to think outside the box and reimagine a familiar object. Individual instruction will help students refine their design and determine the best approach to bringing their newly envisioned everyday object to life. Topics covered will include the use of full-scale drawings, templates, and jigs. We will emphasize simple and elegant solutions that can be executed within the timeframe of the workshop. At the end of the session, each student will have a working prototype of their unique design. Intermediate/advanced level: students should have a general knowledge of woodshop machinery, including milling parts from rough lumber. 

Designer/maker with MUtsukuri (ME); teaching: Center for Furniture Craftsmanship (ME); residencies/fellowships: Haystack Open Studio Residency (ME), Penland Winter Residency, Center for Furniture Craftsmanship Fellowship (ME); exhibitions: Center for Furniture Craftsmanship (ME). | @mu_tsukuri
January 15 – Regular enrollment opens

Osamu Sassa, Brush and Pan (collaboration with Aled Lewis), ash, brushed copper, waxed finish, 10-1/2 x 6-1/2 x 1-1/4 inches
Osamu Sassa, Brush and Pan (collaboration with Aled Lewis), ash, brushed copper, waxed finish, 10-1/2 x 6-1/2 x 1-1/4 inches