Ways to Give

How can I support creative life at Penland?

You could double or triple your gift to Penland if you or your spouse works for or has retired from a company with a matching gift program. Complete a matching gift form from your human resources office and send it in with your gift. 

Donor-advised funds (DAFs) are a convenient and tax-efficient charitable tool and the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle in the United States. You can make an unrestricted gift or designate a gift for a particular purpose at Penland through your DAF.

Please call or write to us for more information about supporting Penland, and thank you for sharing our commitment to shaping creative time for creative lives.




“You don’t have to worry about anything but learning and making [at Penland], which I have never experienced anywhere else.”
-Maleeha El Sadr, Penland student, Summer 2014