Gifts of Stock

Gifts of Stocks, Bonds, or Other Securities


Gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds or other securities allow you to make a substantial gift to Penland at minimal cost. You will receive a tax deduction based on the value of the security on the date of the gift.


When making a gift of stock, please contact (or have your broker contact) Beth Shupe or Joan Glynn that a stock transfer is pending. Notification should include the name of the donor and any restrictions on the gift. It would also be very helpful to us to know the name of the stock and number of shares to be transferred. Once notified, Beth Shupe will track all transactions in our brokerage account for the receipt of the gift. 


If you have any questions or problems with this transaction please do not hesitate to contact us at 828-765-2359:


DTC Security Transfer Instruction
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.
DTC Clearing: # 010
Account name: BBH Investment and Wealth Management
Account number: 0150656
For Further Credit to: Penland School of Craft Board Designated – Undesignated Gift
A/C #: BBH1091046763
Please note that For Further Credit is required for all deliveries.