Penland School of Craft Board of Trustees
Fred Sanders, Chair
Lillian Cousins Giornelli, Vice Chair
David Brody, Treasurer
Virginia Kraus, Secretary
Richard J. Osborne, Past Chair
Cathy Abbott
Cathy Adelman
Edward Bresler
Nancy Burleson
Critz Campbell
Diane Charnov
Katharine DeShaw
Dail Dixon
Onay Cruz Gutierrez
James Hackney
Mercedes Jelinek
E. Vincent Martinez
Wendy Maruyama
Sara Owen McDonnell
Althea Murphy-Price
Merrily Orsini
Philip Payne
Corey Pemberton
Alan H. Peterson
Matthew Daniel Price
IlaSahai Prouty
Rob Pulleyn
Ché Rhodes
Lois Russell
Russell Sizemore
Abraham Thomas
Vince Watchorn
Brenda Wheeler
Julia Wilson
Hiroko Yamada
Mia Hall, Executive Director