August 11-16, 2024 (4 STUDIO DAYS)
Kirk Lang
Touch and Go
Would you like to add movement to your artwork? What if you could make an object that mimics the flapping wings of a bird, a flower blossoming, or a model of the earth rotating around the sun? Why imply movement in your work when you can actually make your work move! This workshop will explore the transformative power of motion and offer a unique perspective on how to generate movement in jewelry and small-scale sculpture. Students are invited to bring their own ideas, materials, and projects, but they will also be exposed to new project ideas and methodologies specific to kinetic mechanisms. Technical information will include wire work, riveting, tap and die, pressure fitting, machining, and soldering. Intermediate level: no experience with kinetic work is needed, but basic sawing, filing, and soldering skills are required. Lower metals studio.
Studio artist; teaching: Metalwerx (MA), Lillstreet Arts Center (IL), Flux Metal Arts (OH), Danaca Design (WA); Artist Trust/Washington State Arts Commission Fellowship, Saul Bell Design Award; collections: Metal Museum (TN), Hallie Ford Museum (OR); representation: Facèré Jewelry Art Gallery. | @kirk_lang
Videos of Kirk’s kinetic work
January 15 – Regular enrollment opens