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Print & Letterpress L Summer Session 5

July 14-26, 2024 (11 STUDIO DAYS)
Julie Chen
The Movable Artist’s Book

This workshop will explore content, design, and production strategies for incorporating pop-ups and movable mechanisms in artist books. We will begin by completing a set of quick technical models as we cover the basic techniques involved in designing pop-ups and movables. Students will take their ideas through the mock-up process and learn how to create and/or adapt templates for cutting paper pieces on the laser cutter. Then we will explore quick and accessible techniques for using letterpress to print visual content. Students will create parts for a small edition with the goal of completing at least one copy of their book by the end of the session. In addition, everyone will design and produce a page spread for a collaborative movable book. Intermediate/advanced level: students should have experience with Adobe Illustrator; bookmaking and/or letterpress experience will be helpful. Letterpress studio.

NOTE: Students in this workshop should bring a laptop computer if they can. If you are enrolled and cannot bring a computer, please contact Nadia Massoud at

Professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison; studio artist publishing under the Flying Fish Press Imprint; recent exhibitions: National Museum of Women in the Arts (DC), The Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts at Wits Art Museum (Johannesburg); collections: Library of Congress (DC), Victoria and Albert Museum (London), Sir George Grey Special Collections, (NZ). | @flyingfishpress
January 15 – Regular enrollment opens

Julie Chen, Panorama (two spreads), letterpress on various commercial papers, 9-1/2 x 20-1/4 x 2 inches when closed; 60 x 9-1/2 inches when fully opened
Julie Chen, Panorama (two spreads), letterpress on various commercial papers, 9-1/2 x 20-1/4 x 2 inches when closed; 60 x 9-1/2 inches when fully opened