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Papermaking Spring Concentration

Papermaking – Spring Concentration
March 2 – April 25, 2025 (8 Weeks)
Jo Stealey
Exploring Paper as Sculpture

Create small-scale objects or large-scale installations using handmade paper. The workshop will begin with fiber processing for paper pulp, including methods for beating fibers to create specific qualities in the paper: opaque/translucent, low or high shrinkage, thick/thin, delicate/strong, etc. Then we will cover sheet forming, pigmenting pulp, pulp painting, collage, stencils, casting into found molds and cloth molds, joining cast elements, armatures, draping, and other approaches to developing 3-D forms. After three weeks of experimentation, students will use their preferred techniques to create a new body of work. The focus will be on artistic concepts and personal vision for the materials. All levels. 

Studio artist; professor emerita of fibers at University of Missouri-Columbia; solo exhibitions: Windgate Gallery (AR), Cedarhurst Museum (IL), Havana Biennial (Cuba); collections: National Portrait Gallery (DC), University of Arkansas Fort Smith, Lamar Museum (FL), Sioux City Art Center (IA), Spring Art Museum (MO); co-curator and catalog author for the traveling exhibition Rooted, Revived, Reinvented: Basketry in America. |

Scholarship application deadline is August 15.
Regular enrollment begins October 2.

Jo Stealey, Dusters, overbeaten abaca and flax, river willow, waxed linen, 36 x 20 x 6 inches
Jo Stealey, Dusters, overbeaten abaca and flax, river willow, waxed linen, 36 x 20 x 6 inches
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Fall Weekend Drawing and Painting

Drawing and Painting – Fall Weekend Session
October 22-24, 2021
Lara Call Gastinger
Discovering a Landscape Through Drawing

How do you immerse yourself in and capture the beauty of a new landscape? This weekend workshop will delve into making discoveries and seeing plants with new eyes by drawing with a pen and using watercolor to enrich the drawings. Students will go home with a treasured accordion nature journal depicting the inspiring plants and landscape of Penland. The skills learned will be adaptable for use in any travel or perpetual journal. All levels. 

Botanical artist and illustrator; two Royal Horticultural Society Botanical Art Show gold medals (London); numerous American Society of Botanical Illustrators (ASBA) exhibitions; illustrations published in Flora of Virginia, Peterson’s Field Guide to Mushrooms, ASBA’s Botanical Art Techniques Handbook. | @laragastinger


This workshop begins at 5:00 p.m. on Friday and workshop activities will end at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday; students are welcome to stay through Monday morning. Monday breakfast will be the last meal provided; please plan to depart campus by 10:00 a.m.

NOTE: Participation in fall workshops will require proof of full COVID-19 vaccination.

Lara Gastinger, Fal Perpetual Journal, pen and watercolor on paper, 9 x 11 inches
Lara Gastinger, Fal Perpetual Journal, pen and watercolor on paper, 9 x 11 inches
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Fall Weekend Clay and Specials

October 21 – 23, 2022
Troy Bungart
Making Your Mark: A Brushmaking Intensive

This workshop is a hands-on opportunity to make a variety of basic and compound brushes. We’ll explore the mark-making potential of different hairs, furs, and fibers—both natural and synthetic. We’ll make handles and ferrules from wood and bamboo and visit a nearby bamboo grove to learn how to harvest this material. Slide presentations and discussions will round out the workshop. Students can expect to make 20-60 brushes. All levels. Lower clay studio.

Studio artist, woodworker, brush maker; teaching: Touchstone (PA), Morean Arts Center (FL), Lillstreet Art Center (Chicago), Gaya Ceramic Art Center (Bali), Penland; galleries/exhibitions: Schaller Gallery (MI), Pewabic Pottery (MI), Northern Clay Center (MN), Michiana Pottery Tour (IN). | @troybungart

Troy Bungart, Compound Brush, bamboo, wood, goat hair, leather, 12 x 3 inches
Troy Bungart, Compound Brush, bamboo, wood, goat hair, leather, 12 x 3 inches