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Fall Weekend Photography

October 20–22, 2023
Betsy DeWitt
Chemistry and Cloth

This workshop will meld the worlds of photography and textiles by using the cyanotype process to make prints on cloth. We’ll generate images using photograms (a cameraless process) and digital negatives, mix cyanotype chemistry, coat the fabric, then expose and develop our images. Once we have our blue beauties on fabric, we’ll cover simple sewing, embroidery, and fabric manipulation techniques to alter and embellish them. This workshop will give students a photo process and textile techniques they can practice in their own homes. All levels. Photography studio. 

Former photo/drawing and painting studio coordinator at Penland; exhibitions: Turchin Center for the Visual Arts (NC), Asheville Area Arts Council (NC), Vermont Center for Photography, Soho Photo Gallery (NYC), Rebus Works (NC), Leeds Gallery at Earlham College (IN), St. Andrews Art Gallery (TN).

Enrollment for this workshop will begin on May 1. 

Betsy DeWitt, Snack Bag, cyanotype on cotton, 13 x 13 inches
Betsy DeWitt, Snack Bag, cyanotype on cotton, 13 x 13 inches
Betsy DeWitt, Dazzle, cyanotype on cotton, 10 x 8 inches
Betsy DeWitt, Dazzle, cyanotype on cotton, 10 x 8 inches