Oil Cruet with Meadow Lark


Lucy Dierks
Oil Cruet with Meadow Lark
3.75H x 4W x 3D inches
Item #31-09

1 in stock

SKU: 31-09 Categories: , , Tags: ,


Asheville, NC

CLAY | Sculptural porcelain vessels

Penland Affiliation | Penland Student 2003

Artist Information | Studio artist; education: BA Mary Baldwin College (VA), Post Graduate Degree Certification in Learning Disabilities William and Mary College (VA); exhibitions: Smithsonian Craft Show, The Smithsonian Museum (DC), Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show (PA), Forms and Shapes: The Useful Teapot, AKAR Design (IA), Cedar Creek National Teapot Show (NC), American Craft Exposition (IL)

Artist Statement | In 1997, when I took my first course in ceramics, I rediscovered my love for Asian Art and pottery. Japanese ikebana containers, Oribe dishes, and the Chinese ware of the Tang and Song Dynasties have been tremendous sources of inspiration and influence for me.

My pieces express my delight with nature and like nature, I want them to reflect a harmony of form, surface, and purpose. I strive to make small intimate pieces whose design and texture invite you to hold them.

There is something about birds that speaks to me. The contradictory aspects of their bodies intrigue me. I find the exquisite detail of their claws and the patterning of their feathers very satisfying. I perch them on my containers to encourage contemplation and conversation.

Currently, I work solely in porcelain and mix my own glazes. I am fascinated with creating surfaces that mimic nature such as lichen, stones, or tree bark. Many of my pieces are designed as flower containers and are intended to reflect and complement the natural environment they inhabit.

Technical Information | Handbuilt porcelain