Current Penland Resident Artists | Geoffrey Bowton, Daniel Garver, Adam Grinovich, Sean O’Connell, Annika Pettersson, Kimberly Thomas, Sarah Vaughn, and Sarita Westrup

Penland’s resident artists are full-time artists who spend one to three years living and working in Penland’s school community. The program is designed for artists who are at some pivotal moment in their career—the residency is an opportunity for them to test ideas and make choices that will have a lasting effect on their work and their lives. Resident artists may use the time to develop their studio practice, to work out the practicalities of making a living, to push technical and conceptual boundaries, or to explore entirely new directions in their work.

Resident artists work independently and set their own goals for their residencies. They do this, however, in an atmosphere of support, encouragement, and creative energy.

Resident artists are selected through a competitive process that draws applications from all over the country. Selection is based on the quality of the work and on clearly articulated goals. At the end of their time, some Penland resident artists move onto other residencies or decide to pursue teaching careers, but the great majority of them set up independent studios and continue to pursue the work they started at Penland.

Showing 1–12 of 36 results

Showing 1–12 of 36 results