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New Neon Setup

Flux capacitor? Nope! This is a processing manifold for working with neon and making plasma.

Teaching “Plasma, Neon, and Beyond” in the Penland glass studio this past week, Wayne Strattman and David Wilson put this new, permanent Penland equipment to excellent use.

Student Kerik Kouklis made some awesome drumsticks!

The manifold was made to spec for this class and future Penland classes by Morgan Crook and studio coordinator Nick Fruin over a period of several years. It’s got valves, gases, gauges, and a kiln for baking out any moisture before glass tubes are evacuated and then filled with inert gasses (neon, argon, xenon, and krypton) that make them glow so beautifully when in their plasma state.

With this sweet setup, you can expect neon classes at Penland for years to come.

David and Wayne have taught at Penland countless times and have been instrumental in growing our neon program. Indeed, David was the studio assistant for Penland’s very first neon workshop in 1993 with Jacob Fishman!

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Joanna Manousis is Expanding the Limits of Cast Glass.

Currently teaching in the Penland glass studio, Joanna Manousis is showing her students how to create residual, ‘core’ details within solid, kiln-cast glass.

Joanna is a A PhD researcher at the National Glass Centre in the UK where she has spent years exploring negative space, reflectivity, and magnification in glass.

“Glass is my chosen medium and I am drawn to its contrasting qualities–transparent yet solid, it simultaneously reveals yet barricades,” she told us.

Here are some images of her stunning work:

Indra’s Web Crystal / Mirror / Stainless Steel / Aluminum 64″ x 53″ x 4.5″
The Golden Thread, Core-Cast, Hand-Polished, Cut Crystal / 24-Carat Gold Mirror 16.25” x 9.75” x 3” / 11” x 11.5” x 3.75”
Parr Diamonds, Cast Crystal, Glass, Stainless Steel, Oil Paint 62h x 37w x 4d inches

Joanna and the students in her workshop have been working hard in the Penland glass studio. We are excited to see what they create.

Learn more about Joanna’s fascinating practice.

-Check out her recent appearance on the Talking Out Your Glass podcast.

-For those in Western North Carolina, there is an opportunity to hear Joanna speak this Sunday at Momentum Gallery from 2:00 to 4:00 PM.

Joanna Manousis
Studio artist, PhD researcher; teaching: Alfred University (NY), Ohio State University, College for Creative Studies (Detroit); awards: Margaret M. Mead Award, Hans Godo Frabel Award; residencies: Museum of Arts and Design (NYC), The Corning Museum (NY), Cité Internationale des Arts (France); collections: Glasmuseet Ebeltoft (Denmark), Glasmuseum Lette (Germany), Huntsville Museum (AL), Ringling Museum (FL); representation: Heller Gallery (NYC), Momentum Gallery (NC), Seager Gray Gallery (CA), Vessel Gallery, London.

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Photo of the Week: CNC Lesson

jack mauch demonstrating the use of the CNC router in the Penland wood studioHere’s Jack Mauch going over the basics of the the CNC router with print and letterpress coordinator Adam Leestma and metals coordinator Nadia Massoud. This 5-by-5-foot ShopBot router was recently purchased with support from the Community Foundation of Western North Carolina. It is located in the wood studio, but our hope is it will be used by students working in other studios as well.

Jack is a former core fellow, a designer, and a woodworker who is helping Penland to integrate digital fabrication tools into our studios. He is currently collaborating with glass coordinator Nick Fruin to make wooden glassblowing molds using the router. We’ll share more on that in a future blog post!