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“Raising Renee” on HBO 2

Raising Renee

Painter and Penland instructor Beverly McIver (“Contemporary Portrait Painting,” drawing and painting, summer session 3) and her family are the subjects of a new documentary film, Raising Renee, which premieres Wednesday, February 22nd on HBO 2.

Filmed over 6 years by Oscar nominees Jeanne Jordan and Steven Ascher, Raising Renee tells Beverly’s story as an artist, and the story of her promise to take care of her sister Renee (who is mentally disabled) after their mother’s death — a promise that came due just as Beverly’s career was taking off.

Click here to find out more about Beverly McIver and see images of her work by visiting her website.

Click here for more information about the film Raising Renee.

Click here to read a recent article about Beverly and Renee in The New York Times.