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Saying “See You Soon” to the 2020-2022 Core Fellows

(Left to right) Maria Fernanda Nuñez (Mo), Molly Bernstein, Tony Santoyo, Sarina Angell, and Lars Shimabukuro

HEY, PENLAND COMMUNITY! This week we are saying goodbye to some of our favorite people. As they leave Penland for their next opportunities, we invite you to support these vibrant artists in their journey! Be sure to follow them on social media, sign up for their newsletters, buy their work, take their workshops, and let them know how wonderful they are.

Maria Fernanda Nuñez (Mo), Molly Bernstein, Tony Santoyo, Sarina Angell, and Lars Shimabukuro, we are going to miss you so much!

It has been an honor and a privilege to work and learn alongside them for three wonderful years. Arriving just ahead of the pandemic, this core fellow cohort’s experience was marked by unprecedented challenges, as well as an extra year here at Penland.

We would like to take this opportunity to share some words from Courtney Dodd, Penland’s Program Manager, spoken at the annual core show, when the Penland Core Fellows showcase their work in Gallery North:

“THANK YOU for all your hard work, leadership, spontaneity, and light. It’s been such a pleasure getting to know each of you, thank you for sharing yourselves with us. You will be dearly missed, but we are all excited to see what’s next. Please know you are always welcome here.”

Maria Fernanda Nuñez (Mo)
“Golden. Baked bread and beaten pulp. A writer, thoughtful and evolving, growing tall, endlessly prolific, like a field of corn. A maker of all things, embellished and braided. It’s always a pleasure to be at your table.”

Tony Santoyo
“Movement, fluidity, a mark marker. You are a balance of the water’s waves and its deepest seas. Twizzlers, coke, and prickly pear. An inner warrior and a dancer, bending and moving with the beat.” 

Molly Bernstein
“Thrown, glazed, and carved with a new love for flux. A bouquet of adventure and excitement and a fellow lover of the practical, all the while painting the world light blue. It’s a pleasure to be near your spontaneous and steady atmosphere.”

Sarina Angell
“Stitched with thoughtful hands and gathered with intention, always with a touch of red. Calm and quiet while a force with a needle and thread. Your loudest words will be heard through your work and I look forward to listening.”

Lars Shimabukuro
“Water and wind, home carried with you always. You are a weaver of genuine peace. Quiet and complex, with a nature akin to clouds. Weaving words with tenderness and meaning. Thank you for sharing yourself with us, we are better for it.”


Top row, left to right: Lily Wilkins, Lars Shimabukuro, Maria Fernanda Nuñez (Mo)
Bottom row, left to right: Celia Shaheen, Lisa Nguyen, Tony Santoyo, Sarina Angell, Molly Bernstein

TWO-YEAR WORK-STUDY FELLOWSHIP is for early career artists looking to expand technical skills and material fluency while working to support the day-to-day operations of the school. Core fellows fully engage with Penland by taking several workshops each year in familiar or new media and performing integral jobs for the school.


This month, we will welcome 5 new core fellows who will join the cohort that arrived in 2022. We are excited to see them learn and grow.

2022-2023 CORE FELLOWS

Lisa Nguyen
Celia Shaheen
Lily Wilkins

2023-2024 CORE FELLOWS

Kimberly Jo
Brandon Lopez
Nicholas McDonald
Grace Anne Odom
Amal Tamari

Ice Cream Truck Day!

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First-Annual Studio Coordinator Pumpkin Contest!

Studio Coordinators and Pumpkins!

The First-Annual Studio-Coordinator Pumpkin-Carving Contest! Kudos to newcomer, wood studio coordinator Kylie Little for coaxing these busy folks into a great time! The winner was Nadia Massoud, metals studio coordinator! Her entry was inspired by a conversation with print and letterpress studio coordinator Adam Leestma about prong jewelry settings (in response to last weekend’s workshop). The winning pumpkin features a diamond in a skeletal “gem finger” setting. PRONGS = GEM FINGERS!

Honorable mention went to clay studio coordinator, Susan Feagin, whose geometrically-carved pumpkin was an homage to Matt Repsher, a recent Penland Resident Artist. The judges admired the structural soundness of her extensively-carved pumpkin!

Tapped from Penland staff, judges included front office administrator Josie Davis and bookkeeper Donnie Roberts, who brought considerable gravitas to the task. Closing the doors to the Northlight pedestal closet, they considered the  “substance of the squash” and “gestalt of the gourd” in reverent whispers.

Each pumpkin was special in its own way! Wood coordinator Kylie Little used a dremel to create a “maple-like” surface design on her pumpkin. Print and letterpress studio coordinator Adam Leestma created a pumpkin with “boo” rendered as letterpress type, spelled backward, of course. Iron studio coordinator Daniel Beck created a “punk-kin” with black Krylon spray paint. Textiles studio coordinator Danielle Lasker created a poppet-inspired entry, filled with creepy pins and complete with a stitched-up smile. Excused from participation were glass studio coordinator Nick Fruin and book studio coordinator Beth Lacourt who had important life stuff, but also love pumpkins.

The winner took home a very classy Penland MiiR Typography Tumbler and a gift certificate. Of course, bragging rights are the real prize. Congratulations to all and Happy Halloween!

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Thank you, 2021 Summer Interns!

To view these images as a slideshow, please CLICK HERE!

1. All the 2021 Summer Interns!
2. Hanging outside the pines!
3. Clay studio intern Emily helping with the salt kiln!
4. Special events intern Katie making a drone video for the Penland Benefit Auction!
5. Glass intern Andrew with visiting artist Ché Rhodes
6. Glass studio intern John assists visiting artist Fred Kahl
7. Intro to electricity class with all of the summer interns
8. Clay intern Nora assists instructor Linda Christianson
9. Special events interns Katie and Kara sending out thank you letters to scholarship supporters with special events coordinator Marianna Pop
10. Iron studio intern Odette helps fix a tool
Thank you, Penland summer interns! Y’all rocked it! We could not have done it without you! Seventy-seven summer workshops and the Penland Benefit Auction were a great success, thanks to your help!


This summer was special. We expanded our summer internship program as part of pandemic-related restructuring. Normally, each workshop has its own studio assistant. This year, we were able to assign a summer intern to each studio to support instructors. Interns came from all over the country and stayed with us on campus from May through August!


We loved getting to know these awesome folks!


Andrea Ramos – Textiles studio
Andrew Mahaffie – Glass studio
Avery Newton – Wood studio
Elizabeth Kaise – Print & Letterpress studios
Ellyse Bendillo – Metals studio
Emily Gunning – Clay studio
John Dillard – Glass studio
Kara Fisher – Donor relations
Katherine Speer – Special events
Lil Seidlin-Gore – Clay studio
Lindsay Davis – Drawing, Painting & Photography studios
Meera Mittal – Books & Paper
Nora Watkins – Clay studio
Odette Blaisdale – Iron studio
Rowan Leek – Books & Paper