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Photo(s) of the Week: So Much Winter!

The following blog post is a photo slideshow. We recommend viewing it in an Internet browser.

Same old knoll, different outfit. Photo by missmarimos
Snowy studios, snowy paths. Photo by lilliputianb
In the middle of two straight days of snow. Photo by missmarimos
Meanwhile, at the residents artists' studios... Photo by mjelinek2
All suited up. Photo by apronon
Making good use of the snow and the slopes. Photo by powerandlightpress
Resident artist Seth Gould and iron coordinator Daniel Beck post race sledding. Photo by margret_mae
Snowy porch sit. Photo by nickeshep
Wood studio adventurers. Photo by ellieinthewoods
Photo by madeline.manson
Hollow spheres with snow hats outside the glass studio. Photo by ohcriminy
The dye shed has seen this all before. Photo by apronon
A brief moment of sun as the storm cleared. Photo by kimmirus
Some pretty wild icicles outside the letterpress studio. Photo by margret_mae
And some giant icicles setting up shop on the iron studio. Photo by christinaboydesign
Evidence of some serious sledding.
Monday morning—the calm after the storm.


This weekend’s snowstorm brought out a softer, quieter, colder beauty here at Penland, not to mention ample opportunities for sledding on the knoll! Here’s to Penland winter at its finest.

Thanks to all the winter residents who kept their eyes open and their cameras handy to get these great shots.


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The Potential Energy of One Week

samples of shibori-dyed fabrics
Paisley’s fabric samples from her week-long shibori workshop in October make up a rainbow of colors and patterns. (Photo: Paisley Holloway)


As a block of time, a week is most suited to building, developing, progressing. It is long enough to see forward movement, yet large progress tends to happen on the scale of months or years. Most weeks blend together with those on either side of them, more marked by variations to routine than by anything truly out of the ordinary.

But what about the rare, uncommon week? For Jackie Dering and Paisley Holloway, a 1-week workshop at Penland this fall was the ideal opportunity to step away from the general flow of life and immerse themselves in a week of something totally different. The result was more than just a set of new craft skills.

Jackie and Paisley work at Valdese Weavers, a North Carolina company that has created jacquard fabrics for over 100 years. When the opportunity arose for two of the company’s employees to take a Penland workshop thanks to the generous support of Penland friend Laura Levinson, Jackie says, “We both jumped at the chance!”

The workshop, taught in October by textile artist Carol LeBaron, focused on shibori techniques with acid dyes. “Carol really brought a new perspective to the class,” Paisley explained. “It wasn’t traditional shibori, and she really let us go wild with what kind of techniques we wanted to use.”


textile artist applying pattern to fabric
Instructor Carol LeBaron demonstrating a screened technique. (Photo: Jackie Dering)


At Valdese Weavers, Jackie works with patterns as a designer, and Paisley is a colorist. “It was funny,” Paisley tells me, “she and I went in different directions that were very related to our jobs, but we didn’t do it on purpose.” Paisley focused on the play of colors on fabric, experimenting with color mixing and overdyeing in her pieces. Jackie, meanwhile, found herself exploring patterns and design techniques. She tells me how she got excited about clothespins as a way to create resist patterns: “I thought I knew what they would look like before I prepared the fabric, but it came out totally different from what I expected. It was a cool, happy accident, and so exciting!”

Both Paisley and Jackie returned to Valdese Weavers the next week with lots of samples to pin on their walls. “I have some really cool patterns that I want to try as woven fabric,” Jackie says. Paisley adds, “I look at my pieces all the time for inspiration.”


Woman holding a clamped fabric; dyed fabric sample
Jackie with one of her intricately-clamped pieces ready for the dye pot. To the right is one of her finished pieces, the pattern created totally with clothespins. (Photos: left by Amanda Thatch, right by Jackie Dering)


A wealth of inspiration is a solid result from a week’s work, but I was surprised to hear just how much more both Jackie and Paisley got out of their workshop. Both of them commented on how creatively rejuvenated and refreshed they felt by Friday afternoon. “When you’re designing for a client every day, you can start to feel a little stagnant,” Jackie explained. “It was great to feel so engaged in something new and to know that I’m still a creative individual.”

The class quickly developed a sense of community, too. “There were so many people from different backgrounds who were there for different reasons,” notes Paisley. Jackie commented on how rare that feeling of rapid community can be. “By the end of the week, you feel like you’ve made all these friends. As you get farther along in your career, that doesn’t happen as much,” she explained. “For me, that was a really nice reminder, just feeling like ‘I’m still a human being; I can still make a new friend who’s older than me, who’s different than me.’”

It’s a tall order for one week to serve up personal connections, intense focus, new skills, freedom to experiment, and creative validation. But on those rare weeks when the pieces all come together, surely the only thing to do is to embrace it all.

—Sarah Parkinson



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The Complete Summer 2016 Lineup!

Woodworking student building a table


This summer our 104 workshops, taught by 118 artist-instructors, will span the world of craft. You will be able to make paper using tree bark for site-specific installations, learn the complex structures of pop-up books, create your own designs for decals to transfer onto ceramics, or investigate light and shadow in glass. Perhaps learning to forge copper and brass or making your own cutlery or linking digital photographic techniques with traditional hands-on processes will pique your interest. Our sixteen well-equipped studios await your ideas, questions, and creativity.

—Jean W. McLaughlin, Penland director


Complete workshop listings for summer 2016 are now online! Browse workshops by session or by studio to see full course descriptions, dates, instructor bios, links to instructor websites, images, and more. Registration is currently open for all summer workshops, and scholarship applications will be available January 1.


Here’s to filling 2016 with creative exploration. See you this summer!