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“A place where everyone ‘gets’ what you do….”

Ceramics artist Julie Guyot spent a little time at Penland recently, as a visiting artist in Kathy King‘s clay concentration. She had some sweet things to say about the experience on her blog.  Some sweet hipstamatics of the campus, too.

Julie Guyot's hipstamatic of Penland
"view from the dining hall" by Julie Guyot

“There is just something about being in a place where everyone “gets” what you do.  How often do I get a chance to take a break from my life, from the news, from my meetings, my dog, my house and studio and just “be”?  Student or teacher, I was still immersed in art and craft.  I was surrounded by makers and people who support makers.  I ate, I danced, I walked up some serious hills, I saw some amazing ceramic art, I talked with great people and I drank a lot of Gingeraid.  I connected.  In short, I was inspired….”

You can read Julie’s full account here.