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Oxford American’s “100 under 100”

Frank Hamrick
Frank Hamrick, “Charlotte’s Chair,” b/w photograph, 10 x 10 in. Courtesy of the artist and Old Fan Press.

Oxford American

Former Penland core fellow Kreh Mellick and Penland instructors John Byrd, Frank Hamrick, Lisa Klakulak, and Andrew Saftel are featured in Oxford American magazine’s 100 under 100: The New Superstars of Southern Art (as selected by their peers).

The article is split: 40 of the artists are written up in the current print issue, while the other 60 are profiled on the Oxford American’s website. To see the page about Kreh, you’ll need to pick up a copy of the magazine. The other four can be found in the online feature.

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Photo of the Week: Community Open House

community open house at penland

Volunteer Mike Chmielewski working with a visitor to the iron studio during Penland’s annual Community Open House, which took place on Saturday, March 3. One-hundred and sixty volunteers, 500 visitors, and most of the school’s staff spent the afternoon on activities in most of Penland’s studios. You can see a big album of pictures here. Join us next year on Saturday, March 2.

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Amy Tavern: “This is It.”

Amy Tavern "This is It"

Outgoing resident artist Amy Tavern shared her thoughts about her Penland experience in a recent post on her blog. We’ve been so fortunate to have Amy as a member of our community, and we’re wishing her the best, even as we’re wishing she wouldn’t go (and Daniel and Jeong Ju, too!). At least she’s sticking around long enough to teach a class this spring.

“My residency officially ended last week… I wrote “this is it” on a huge piece of paper taped to a wall in my studio when I first moved in and “it,” meaning my residency, truly was. It was IT and one of the most remarkable times I have ever experienced. I reread my application recently to remind myself of what I said I would do with my three years. I talked about transitioning from production to one-of-a-kind jewelry, starting a new studio practice, and finding my voice as a studio jeweler. I was happy to realize I did pretty much everything I said I would…and so much more happened, too, more than I ever expected or even imagined…”

You can read Amy’s full post here.

You can visit Amy’s website here to find out more about her and see pictures of her work.

You can learn more about Penland’s Resident Artist Program here.