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Penland Party Photos!

These rare Penland party pics were captured by photography students Jacklyn Grad and Red Herring. Grateful to their fellow students for participating in their portraiture work, the pair were inspired to create digital and physical images to help memorialize their shared experience.

Jacklyn and Red used newfound skills learned in Anthony Francis‘s portraiture workshop to create a photo booth and capture the new friendships and joyful exuberance of a Penland mid-session party. Studio assistant Adrianna Newell was also a great help.

Adrianna Newell, Jacklyn Grad, and Red Herring

Jacklyn and Red were excited to learn that instructor Andrew Certo and partner Rachel Levine (above) treasure a photo together taken over 10 years ago at just such a Penland party when they first met.

Penland’s two-week summer sessions include a mid-session party on the Saturday between weeks one and two. Always a fun time, these events are a great opportunity for students to blow off a little steam with some dancing and socializing. For Jacklyn, the photo booth was the perfect opportunity to post up “outside the party” where she could connect with fellow students through the gift of photography.

We hope you enjoy these lovely photos from Penland’s 2023 Session 2 Mid-Session Party. Thank you, Jacklyn and Red!


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Handmade Parade and Fireworks 2024

This sweet tradition marks the halfway mark in our Penland summer of 100+ intensive craft workshops here on the mountain.

Thanks to everyone who participated and to our facilities and grounds crew who puts on the best fireworks show around as far as we are concerned.

Thanks to our community and to Summer Session 4 for sharing this special moment in time.

See you next year!

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Sculpting Subtle Expressions with Arthur Gonzalez

When sculpting insecurity, mischief, skepticism, jealousy, contentment… asymmetry is key.

These beautiful works were created by students in Arthur Gonzalez’s recent workshop: “When Sculpture Talks Back.”


Arthur is intrigued by the storytelling possibilities of understated, human expressions. For him, “a subtler expression is more alive. It has a longer existence.”

In his workshop, students explored how minute changes, like a slight turn at the corner of a mouth, tilt of the head, or an asymmetrical element like an eyebrow can create complex, intriguing emotion.

“We all know how to read faces,” he says. And if you can see it in real life… you can sculpt it.”


The class achieved their impressive results using Arthur’s preferred “inside-out”-technique.

Starting with a pinch pot head, they learned to add and subtract clay, pushing from the inside to create a cheekbone and from the outside to create an eye socket, for example.


These sculptures definitely have a lot to say. Arthur said, “This class had a beautiful, collective energy. They were a very talented group and even those without experience did really well.”

Want to experience clay at Penland? We will be announcing our spring 2025 lineup later this month…