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Rob Levin’s public sculpture on USA Projects

Artist Rob LevinPenland instructor and former resident artist Rob Levin has received a commission from the Toe River Valley Trail Project to create a monumental work of public sculpture for the town square in Burnsville, NC. Unfortunately, there is no public funding available for the project, so Rob has been using the US Artists Projects micro-philanthropy site to raise money to complete the sculpture.

The piece will be made of local locust wood and river stone:

It is important to me that the materials for this project will come from right here in our area, reflecting the ruggedness of these mountains.  I plan to use some wood that I’ve been storing for several years – it is lovely figured locust wood, and I’ve been waiting for just the right project to use it on.  The stone will be large river rocks, which we have in abundance.  Part of the challenge will be to find just the right ones!  For me, these materials carry their own resonance, and “speak for themselves.”

And will evoke the form of an arch or bridge:

I have made many mixed-media pieces in the past using the theme of a “Bridge”, which I think of as a metaphor for the process of making art.  Art serves as a bridge between the invisible and visible, the bridge between an idea and its final form. The process of bridging that gap is the work we do with our hands and our hearts.  It also symbolizes the transformation that takes place within the person who is making the work… we always end up in a different place than where we began. The intent of this piece is to provide a sense of transition while combining internal tension with balance, gesture, and a sense of uplift.

As with all USA projects, Rob must meet his fundraising goal by a self-imposed deadline – March 17 – in order to receive any of the monies pledged. If you’d like to read Rob’s proposal, watch his video, and perhaps consider supporting his project, click here to visit his United States Artists project site.