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Intaglio intensive with Emily Arthur | March 23-29, 2014



For [Emily Arthur’s] etching Water Moccasin (with Shot) [seen above], the work was first blown apart with a shotgun then reassembled before printing. Her iconography of snake, bird, and moth is broken by bullet holes as an example of what art historian Nancy Mithilo identifies in Arthur’s work as an ‘attraction to the vulnerable and the traumatic.’–Jan Davis, writing about Emily Arthur’s work as part of the Impact 8 International Printmaking Conference and published in IMPRINT, 2013


Emily Arthur


Emily W. Arthur
The Language & Practice of Etching
In the printmaking studio
This intaglio intensive will introduce beginning printmakers to the major acid-etching techniques of line etch and aquatint. Experienced printmakers will be able to work with more advanced methods such as sugar lift, pochoir, chine collé, spit bite, water bite, and multiple-plate color printing. Bring your curiosity, energy, and ideas along with drawings, found imagery, and/or previous plates and prints of any kind. All levels. Code S03X




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for this workshop




Emily Arthur is associate professor at University of North Florida. Her residencies include the Venice Print Studio (Italy), Vermont Studio Center, A.I.R. Vallauris (France). She has been the lead printer for Penland’s winter print residency, and her work is included in collections in Russia, Estonia, Japan, New Zealand, U.K., Italy, and France.