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Fall Scholarships Still Available


Want to spend the fall at Penland?? 
Scholarships are still available.

We still have a few work-study scholarships available for the following fall classes:

Books & Letterpress: From Print to Page with Margot Ecke
This workshop will teach you to create sophisticated, finely considered artist books from beginning to end through letterpress printing, linocut, polymer plates, case binding construction, and creative book design.

Hot Glass: Form Follows Failure with Matthew Szöz
This workshop will combine the skills and work ethic of the craft tradition with an open-minded and innovative approach to the act of making.

Photography: The Extended Image with Keith Johnson
This workshop is about storytelling through photography–about taking an idea and extending it into a body of work. Students may work digitally or in the darkroom.

Click here for complete information about these classes.

We have not set an application deadline for these scholarships. We are reviewing applications on a first-come/first-served basis. If you are interested in one of these scholarships, please call the registrar (828-765-2359, ext. 15) to confirm availability.

Scholarship application information is available here.

Yoga teachers, please note that there is still a work-study position available for a student who will teach movement classes and also do some office and garden work. This scholarship may be used for any fall eight-week class that has a space available. If you are interested, please call the registrar: 828-765-2359, ext. 15.