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Margaret Cogswell’s tiny gallery Mobile Cabinet of Optimisms, Curiosities & Other Possibilities at USA Projects

Margaret Couch Cogswell's Tiny Gallery

Former Penland resident artist Margaret Couch Cogswell is using the USA projects micro-philanthropy website to raise funds for her tiny gallery Mobile Cabinet of Optimisms, Curiosities & Other Possibilities. Based on a prototype she successfully exhibited here at Penland last summer, the tiny gallery will be constructed of salvaged and found materials, and, filled with original works of art and craft, will tour the region, sharing art with a broad, inclusive audience.

Time is short… Margaret’s project needs to meet its funding goal by midnight tonight to receive any pledged support. If you would like to read her proposal and/or consider helping her with funding, click here to visit her page on the USA Projects site.

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Ash tree sculpture

Blacksmith and Penland instructor Scott Lankton recently sent us this picture, with the following message:


Here is a picture of something I made for my own amusement this fall. We have a lot of dead ash trees here… I hope you and all the staff there are warm and well fed up on the mountain!

Best regards,

You can click here if you’d like to visit Scott’s website, where you can see more of his work.

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Snow Show on Saturday in the Igloo

Leah Frost and Ian Henderson's igloo...

Longing for some charming winter-themed conceptual art to warm your heart on a chilly weekend? Come to core students Leah Frost and Ian Henderson’s Snow Show on Saturday, January 22nd at 5:30 pm in the orchard between the wood and glass studios. The show is free and open to the public, and will feature hot cocoa, snacks, and snow-inspired work by Penland artists. You can’t miss it – it’ll be the only art show around inside a giant igloo. Dress warmly! Let it snow!

...and their linocut Snow Show invitation.