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Cool shoes (but what did you expect?)

These are some of the shoes made in Malika Green’s third-session shoe-making class.


We always have ambitious students, so a few pairs weren’t quite done, but folks went home with what they needed to finish up.




And here’s a shoe in process.

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July 4 Slideshow

July 4 parade at Penland School of Crafts
Director Jean McLaughlin and deputy director Jerry Jackson, leading the parade in a giant book.

We had a terrific homemade July 4 parade, featuring a marching glass band, self-moving type, a walking shoe, a giant book popping with patriots, a moveable hot-dog feast, and more. All this followed by the locally-famous Penland fireworks display. Click here to see a three-minute audio slide show.

You can also see the slideshow in slightly inferior video format here.