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Helen and Sasha’s American adventures

Helen Stolyarenko & Sasha Strekopytova, two young glass artists from Russia, travelled to the U.S.A. from Russia this past summer to work a two-month, 3 city internship, including a stay at Penland. They are writing some guest posts about their adventures on the Looking at Glass blog.


Helen and Sasha at Penland
At the auction.

“Penland is a wonderland where you immediately feel like home, no matter how long you stay there” they write. “It was our home for 2 weeks, which we’ll never forget. As well as kindness of the school’s stuff, a special thanks to Jerry Jackson (the school deputy director) and Dean Allison (the glass studio coordinator), – people who made our trip possible.” They also had fun working at the Penland auction, which they describe as having a “hot gambling atmosphere.” Of course, the auction is not a gambling event, but it’s easy to see how it might feel like one.

You can read more about Helen and Sasha’s adventures here.

A late-January update: Helen writes, “I’ve got some more news to share – from the new year I got a job position in our academy (Stroganov Moscow State Academy); my duty is to develop public relations of the art glass department. I’m responsible for links and cooperation with foreign art centers, any kind of connections and common projects, experience exchange, organizing exhibitions and students internships. I think they saw the example of our summer trip, so now they want me to go on and work for the whole department.” Congratulations, Helen!

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Making ornaments

making glass ornaments at Penland

Studio manager (and glassblower) Simone Travisano helping registrar Gretchen Travers make a glass ornament in late December. Simone and glass studio coordinator Dean Allison generously invited everyone on staff up to the glass studio to roll their own (with a little help and instruction).

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Want to see the future? Summer 2012 at Penland

Want to see the future?

Let us pull back the veil of mystery and show you the fabulous wonders that lie ahead! How about the fabulous classes that lie ahead at Penland for Summer 2012, for a start? They’re pretty wonderful.

Click here for complete descriptions of all Summer 2012 classes, photographs of instructor work, links to instructor websites, and registration information.

Paper catalogs will be coming soon by mail, for those who prefer something they can touch.

SUMMER… Summer… summer… whispers that inner voice. Time to dream, time to plan. Eyes ahead!