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Penland School featured in Ornament Magazine

There’s a nice feature on Penland, written by Glen R. Brown, in the new issue of Ornament Magazine. It begins like this:

“The final mile of the drive to Penland School of Crafts feels appropriately transitional. The curving ascent through a forest of North Carolina pines and hardwoods serves symbolically as a buffer between the outside world and the eclectic mix of cabin-like dwellings, rustic lodge-style buildings and modern glass-fronted constructions that compose the campus. Nestled picturesquely among the trees at the head of a gently sloping meadow, the school recalls memories of summer camp, but, since its founding in 1928, it has been highly effective in the role of a working retreat—a place, something like Thoreau’s Walden, that is removed just far enough from the complications and diversions of everyday life to allow for focus on priorities. Although those who come to study at Penland generally spend only two weeks (far less than Thoreau’s two-year sojourn in the woods), what they learn during that intense period of total immersion can form the basis for a lifetime of exploration.”

Read the whole article here.

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July 4 Parade Slideshow

OK, anyone who was here will tell you that this parade actually took place on July 3, but wouldn’t it look kind of dumb to put July 3 Parade in a headline? Or maybe that’s just silly enough that it would get more attention than July 4 Parade, but we were, after all, celebrating July 4 (a day early for reasons that were not entirely clear) so this was, conceptually at least, a July 4 parade even if it didn’t take place on July 4 (the whole problem can sort of be avoided by calling it an Independence Day parade, but it also did not take place on Independence Day).

glass-class dragon
The glass class made this fiery dragon.

In any case, it was lots of fun with the usual homemade shenanigans (you might think the Little Rascals are in charge of this place). Click the picture to see a 3-minute slide show of the parade (with music!).

Please note: If you are using a device that does not like Flash (iPhone, iPod, iPad) then this won’t work, but you should  be able to watch it on YouTube, which doesn’t look quite as good, but should work. (We didn’t embed a YouTube player here, because then everyone would just click on that, and the other version really does look better–especially in full screen. Tradeoffs, you know.)