In 1920, a remarkable young woman named Lucy Morgan (known to all as “Miss Lucy”) Stepped off the train in the tiny mountain village of Penland, North Carolina. She has come to teach children at the Episcopalian-run Appalachian School. In 1923, after learning to weave at Berea College in Kentucky, she began teaching weaving to women in the neighborhood and formed the Penland Weavers to market their handwoven goods.
In 1929, after noted weaving expert Edward F. Worst agreed to teach a workshop at Penland, she accepted seven “out-of-town” students to come and learn alongside the Penland Weavers, and Penland School of Handicrafts was born. By the time she retired in 1962, the school had become a learning center of international repute in 1962, offering instruction in weaving, ceramics, metalwork, and dozens of other crafts.
How all this happened is the subject of this charming book, which is Lucy Morgan’s own story, assembled by journalist LeGette Blythe from many hours of interviews. Miss Lucy was a community activist, a cultural entrepreneur, an educational pioneer, and a woman of indomitable vision and faith. Her legacy lives on today as Penland School of Crafts, still a beacon of experiential learning.
This edition includes a beautiful selection of historic photographs from the Penland School archive.