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Photography Summer Session 4

June 30-July 12, 2024 (11 STUDIO DAYS)
Sally Van Gorder
Photographing Your Work: Documentation for Artists

Photographic records are essential to every art practice. They can describe a work, provide an exhibition view, supply installation instructions, ensure accurate color for print reproduction, or communicate the character of a practice.They can also express an aesthetic and convey a narrative. This workshop considers the many contexts in which these images are made and used. We will work digitally and explore the technical requirements for quality pictures. Demonstrations will cover camera control, natural and artificial lighting, and post-production workflows, including color correction, retouching, file output, and storage. We will cover everything you need to get the best images of your work from the conditions and equipment you’re working with, whether you have a DSLR, mirrorless camera, or cell phone. This workshop is for any art/craft practitioner wanting to photograph their work. All levels. Photography studio.

Professor at North Carolina State University; other teaching: Virginia Commonwealth University (Qatar), Oregon College of Art and Craft, Pacific Northwest College of Art (OR); residencies: Brightwork Fellow at Anchorlight (NC); exhibitions: North Carolina Museum of Art, Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art (NC), Contemporary Art Museum (NC). | @sallyvangorder
January 15 – Regular enrollment opens

Sally Van Gorder, Setup for Precious Lovell documentation
Sally Van Gorder, Setup for Precious Lovell documentation
Sally Van Gorder, Setup for Precious Lovell documentation Precious Lovell, WangariMaathai, photograph by Sally Van Gorder
Precious Lovell, WangariMaathai, photograph by Sally Van Gorder