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Books & Paper P Summer Session 7

August 11-16, 2024 (4 STUDIO DAYS)
Jazmine Catasús
Experimenting with Pulp

This workshop will be guided by the materiality of handmade paper as students are encouraged to take an experimental approach and push the traditional boundaries of papermaking. Paper will be considered as a tactile medium like paint or clay. We will build imagery using the various textures, colors, and forms that paper pulp has to offer and use pulp to paint onto other surfaces, such as canvas. We will also cover preparing cotton fiber with the Hollander beater, small sheet forming, and stenciling. All levels. 

Studio artist; artistic director/master printer at EFA Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop (NYC); teaching: Pratt Institute (NYC), Dieu Donné (NYC), Recess Art (NYC) Center for Contemporary Printmaking (CT); residencies: Morgan Conservatory (OH), Bard Graduate Center (NYC); Hand Papermaking Board of Directors. | @jaz_arelis
January 15 – Regular enrollment opens

Jazmine Catasús, Emblem, paper pulp, gouache, red bole on canvas, 40 x 30 inches
Jazmine Catasús, Emblem, paper pulp, gouache, red bole on canvas, 40 x 30 inches