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C-R-A-F-T Baskets of Summer 2024


These “baskets” appeared on the knoll halfway through our summer, making their entrance during our annual handmade parade.

They captured our imaginations as we crafted till we could craft no more.

The letters were anonymously rearranged to spell “FART” several times during the summer.
Students like Ellie Taubner interacted with the baskets
Instructor Brad Vetter made this inspiring print in the letterpress studio.
Posing with the baskets during the Penland Benefit Auction

Made of introduced (non-native) vines from the Penland property, they are a random weave (official basketry term) of mostly wisteria as well as some bittersweet, kudzu, honeysuckle, and ivy.

An armature was created to support the randomly woven vines
Weaving the giant baskets was lots of fun.

Claire Drennan dreamed up the CRAFT baskets up and wove them with Rachel Brettinger, Erin Castellan, Susan Feagin, Lori Brook Johnson, Mirrah Johnson, Sarah McDowell, Jeffrey Milloy, and Therese Watkins. All of the harvesting and weaving  happened in two short weeks on nights and weekends.

Alena Applerose, Zanne Cox, Ashley Poole, and Marianna Popp joined the fun in the handmade parade.
Penland Resident Artist Sarita Westrup’s furry friend Lobo enjoyed the baskets too.