We’re excited to announce and welcome our four newest Penland Core Fellows—Alyssa Colón, Lisa Nguyen, Celia Shaheen, and Lily Wilkins. They will join returning fellows Sarina Angell, Molly Bernstein, Maria Fernanda Nuñez, Tony Santoyo, and Lars Shimabukuro. For two years, they will live communally, take classes, expand their practices, and help run the school. With so many strong applicants, the selection was very difficult this year. Meet the new core!
Alyssa Colón
“I know that the setting, community, and the amount of time spent in one place matters so much for creating.”
Lisa Nguyen
“I believe experimentation and play are vital when creating any new work.”
Celia Shaheen
“Art and craft education are some of my greatest passions and curiosities, and my goal is to contribute to increasing accessibility and pathways to crucial spaces like Penland.”
Lily Wilkins
“Working with new materials and tools is one of the greatest joys I have ever known and being able to communicate through materials has been a universal connector for me to varied people and places.”
Penland received 90 applications this year. Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to apply. The selection process was thoughtfully overseen by the following panel.
- Brandon J. Donahue
Assistant Professor of Art at University of Maryland College Park; Penland instructor - Vincent Martinez
Host of the Art Institute of Atlanta’s digital TV platform, founder of Fashionado; Penland trustee, former core fellow, and instructor - IlaSahai Prouty
Associate Professor of Art at Appalachian State University; Penland trustee, former resident artist, core fellow, and instructor - Yolanda Sommer
Diversity Recruitment and Partnerships Manager, Penland School of Craft - Marilyn Zapf
Director of Programs and Curator, Center for Craft
To learn more about the Penland Core Fellowship, click here.